
As people have asked me about myself:

Andreas Hofer

I have been interested in evolutionary psychology for almost 30 years now. The Bigger Picture discusses ideas I have when I try to understand the patterns I see in the world. 


  1. Hello,
    I would really enjoy exchanging some informations with you, would you kind to advise me your email address?

  2. Your ideas have become a major driver in my journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance. I'm an INTP who was recently tested high IQ (2%er, i.e. not overly high) still unsure about his place in society (if there is any). Please don't stop what you're doing.
    Dankeschön :)
    (Was mich noch interessieren würde: Wie ist der Lehrerberuf für dich in Einklang mit deiner Selbstdiagnose als h-g/INTP/gifted?

    1. Thanks! I habe mich übrigens nicht selbst als "gifted" diagnostiziert! Lehrer sein als HG ist nicht einfach (schon allein dadurch, dass ich ADHD habe!), aber ich mag den Beruf... wir HGs sind life-long learners! Ich habe übrigens über HG pedagogy gebloggt!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Young ENTP here, found this blog from quora. I'm not gifted or anything, just curious and I can't wait for your next post :D

  5. Your blog is so informative and has inspired me to find my place in the world. Thank you. (From South Africa)

    1. Thanks, Tsitsi! Feedback like yours motivates me to write! :)

  6. Ich finde dich überall ohne nach dir zu suchen.. Bei meiner Suche nach der Verbindung zwischen roten Haaren, Autismus,ADHS, Tic Störung, INTJ, Parkinson und Erkrankungen des autonomen Nervensystems, stoße ich immer wiedee auf Beiträge von dir. Ich würde mich gerne einmal mit dir austauschen. Kann man dir irgendwo privat schreiben?

  7. Is there some SiteMap or some way to view the content in an orderly way?
    And did you intentionally not provide a way to contact you, or I'm just not good at finding it here?

  8. Hello Andreas,
    Thanks for writing “Born Different: The curious traits and lives of hunter-gatherer minds”. It appeared in my latest hunt for more information about Hunter-Gathers and ADHD. I have been trying to understand why I have felt like "an outsider" for most of my 70 years. Finally, after many years of self-searching (psychotherapy, PhD Experimental Psych, PhD Christian Counseling, topic analysis, entrepreneurship) I think that "hunter-gatherer" is the best label for my painful, crazy, terrifying, confusing life. My goal is to provide Hunter-Gather children software learning aids that allow them to approach knowledge from any concept of interaction that they like. Currently I am working on a Wikipedia interface that allows the user to scan the knowledge terrain using different hunting strategies (hawk, eagle…). Hopefully I an contribute the modern Hunter-Gather success through my efforts as you have done.


    1. Thanks for your feedback, Ed. It means a lot to me (almost didn't find it here)

  9. Hi Andreas,

    If someone has the characteristics of a Hunter-gatherer, but their family of origin (parents and grandparents) has the characteristics of a farmer, how does that work from an evolutionary point of view? How can someone come from a line of farmers and then show traits of a herder of hunter-gatherer.

    1. Yes, from my experience that is perfectly possible. I have no clue how, but I know cases of farmer-herder couples with HG children. In one case I am pretty sure the child inherited most of her traits from her grandfather. Often it's not only about psychological traits, but about physical traits as well. It's interesting when a child has neither the constitution nor the kind of hands her parents have. It's possible though. I wish some people competent in this area would research this phenomenon.

  10. Thanks for your writing! I especially liked your Mental Illness in the Neurodiverse population. Your estimates of the population are similar to mine, however, I bumped it up to 60% and use Helen Fisher and Michael Lesser's character-temperament personality profiles (MBTI, while interesting, has not held in scientific substantiating as it's linguistically-based). Would love to chat more about your perspective!

    Here are my sites/writings on the topic. I have noticed patterns and this an "Evolutionary-Stress Model" for understanding how neurotypes are "initial conditions" in systems and emergent relationships of distress, trade-offs and energy crisis' we call "disorders" (conditions of unknown causes or "lifestyle" factors with gene-environment interactions).

    Is Autism an Adaptation of Neurodivergent Neurotypes?

  11. Captivating! 'The Bigger Picture' blog delves into profound insights with brevity and clarity. Its succinct yet impactful content offers a refreshing perspective, leaving readers enlightened and eager for more. A must-read for those seeking depth in a concise package. Heavenly Counseling


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